Saturday, 26 April 2014


1. Go to the cloudyvideos page.
2. Click "Continue to Video".


3. Right click on an empty space and select "View Page Source".

4. Click Ctrl+F to open the search bar and type ".mkv" without the quotes.

5. Press Enter once to reach the second result.
6.Right click on the link and press "Copy link address".

7. Paste the link in the input field below and press "Create video".

Monday, 20 January 2014

How to download Google docs videos, without hurting any additional bandwidth.

Here's a way to download any video hosted on Google Drive (docs) or save it after you've watched it, without having to hurt any of the limited bandwidth, which is the reason you often get to see the annoying message "Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later."

There are add-ons that can do the same job, and easier, but I've seen people complain they don't work all the time. I'm not familiar with them so I can't speak about that, however this method should always work. It might look complicated for some, but it's really easy after you do it once. And you can also use it to download probably any other flash based video content online.

1. Download this small tool called Video Cache View (direct download link 97.6KB).

  2. Un-extract it somewhere (no installation required).

3. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to /r/footballhighlights.

4. Choose any thread with a video hosted on Google Drive(docs). This one for example.

5. Open the video you want to download but do NOT press play yet.

 6. Select your desired video quality and then press play. 

7. Wait for the progress bar to load completely but don't close the window/tab after that,
otherwise your temporary file will disappear.
(It's okay to watch and pause in the meantime, just don't skip ahead of where it's loaded)

8. Once it's done open Video Cache View.

9. Go to Options -> File Size Unit -> and choose MB.

10. Go to View -> Refresh or press F5.

  11. Slide towards the right until you see the column named "Last Accessed Date".

12. Order it by descending (arrow pointing down).

13. Finally, the date and time of the video you are looking for should correspond to the exact date and time you pressed the play button and it's filesize should be adequate as well.

10 minute of 720p video is around 200 megabytes / 480p - 80 megabytes / 360p - 60 megabytes

  14. Select the appropriate file or just the row it resides on, right click and press "Copy Selected Files To.." or just press F7.

15. Leave everything as it is and press OK. You can also choose where to save the file.


If for some reason you have trouble opening the file locally (although highly unlikely),
you might have to change it's extension. The majority of the videos are either .mkv or .mp4
and you can view the original filename and extension in the title of the video.

If your file extensions are hidden, here's how to unhide them.